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Do you have pain?

Is it debilitating or simply annoying and keeping you from living your life the way you wish?

Have you tried everything and nothing seems to change?

Myofascial Release may be the answer!

Back pain, kidney inflammation, ache in man's body on gray background with red dot.jpg

What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a slow prolonged stretch to your tissues to release your fascia or connective tissue . Fascia becomes more viscous and tighter due to trauma, injury, surgery, or repeated postures /positions.  This causes pain and limits the ability for cells to thrive as they are not getting the nutrients that they need and not releasing the toxins they need to release.

The slow, prolonged stretch of myofascial release allows the tissues to release and relax improving the flow of the fluid matrix and the health of the tissues.  No matter how well you eat and how much water you drink it will not get to the needed tissues if they are closed off by tight fascia.  

The amount of pressure on the nerves surrounding the fascia can be up to 2000 pounds per square inch! No wonder you have pain!  This pain limits you from getting into the correct postures and without proper alignment the pain and limitations in movement will likely worsen over time. Imagine your fascia as the fibers of a sweater.  If you pull on one thread the rest of the threads will pull in that direction as well.  The same is true of our fascial web.  A restriction in one area will affect the rest of the body as it is ALL connected. 

So do yourself a favor and try myofascial release.  It will never harm you and may just change your life! 

Anywhere you have pain or restricted movement can more than likely be treated by myofascial release, as fascia surrounds every cell in our bodies.  However, these are some of the most common conditions treated…

Low Back Pain

Plantar Fasciitis

man suffering from backache,Lower back pain..jpg

“After an unidentified injury (happens after 40), I found myself in excruciating pain. I was unable to even walk by myself to the bathroom. It was terrible! Kim provided relief of my pain in just 2 sessions. After her treatment,  I was able to walk and move on my own. I can't stress enough how beneficial these treatments are and how much good Kim has done for me!!!”                   -Kari

"Kim is amazing! Having chronic lower back pain, you don't realize how much better you can feel until you try myofascial release! I highly recommend giving it a chance!     -A S-Z                                                                


Closeup of female right foot heel pain, with red spot, plantar fasciitis.jpg

“I am so thankful to Dr. Miller for all she has done to help me with my Plantar Fasciitis. I had been suffering for over 6 months when I started to see Dr. Miller. She told me that it had more to do with hip alignment and it wasn’t just about my foot. Not only did she work to correct my alignment issues  she also taught me lots of exercises to do to help me correct the problem on my own. With weekly visits and my own time at home I was able to lesson my foot pain so much that I was able to walk and jog again. I am so thankful for not only that but all the help she has given me with other aches and pains"                                      -Amy

Shoulder Pain

Neck Pain

A man holds the shoulder. The pain in my arm. Sore point highlighted in red. Closeup. Isol

"Highly Recommended!!! Especially for moms.  Relieves neck/back/shoulder pain from caring for littles. Amazing, game changer for me."                         -Kellyn

“Kim is friendly, professional, and most importantly EFFECTIVE at helping you achieve pain relief. She works with you to problem solve your pain issues and teaches you techniques to do on your own to achieve lasting results. She has helped me work through stubborn pain in my neck/shoulders and back. “                                           -Betsy

Man suffering from pain in neck. Symptom of cervical chondrosis. Inflammation of vertebra,

"Kim is amazing I have been seeing her for my neck and jaw.  She has been doing wonders for me."


"Highly Recommended!!! Especially for moms.  Relieves neck/back/shoulder pain from caring for littles. Amazing, game changer for me."                         -Kellyn



Back pain, kidney inflammation, ache in man's body on gray background with red dot.jpg

"Dr Kimberly is FANTASTIC!!! Went to her 2 weeks ago with severe back pain and nerve issues. She treated me 4x and now doing much better. She is extremely knowledgeable and personable. Highly recommend her as part of your therapy for back issues!"

The 18 tender or trigger points of fibromyalgia indicated by red spots on the body of an w

Myofascial Release Can Help!


Carpal Tunnel


Myofascial Release Can Help!

Signs of carpal tunnel syndrome in man, showing are of pain, numbness or tingling. .jpg

Myofascial Release Can Help!

Stressed Woman


The first step in eliminating your pain is to RELIEVE.  It is very difficult to work on stretching and exercises when you are in pain. 

What causes pain?

Fascia is the connective tissue that covers every muscle, organ, and cell in our bodies.  It provides the structure to our bodies.  Without it we would be a pile of bones and organs.  

If there is damage to an area due to trauma, injury, or repeated stress the fascia loses its ability to glide freely over the tissue causing restrictions and pain.

Since the fascia is connected throughout the entire body, like a spider web or the threads of a sweater, when there is a restriction in one area it will cause imbalances in other areas.  Like pulling on a thread of a sweater.  The amount of force of restricted fascia is 2000 pounds per square inch.  This force when applied over time causes posture changes resulting in misalignment which causes pain.

A safe and effective way to relieve pain is through myofascial release!


The second step after immediate pain is relieved is to RESTORE function through stretching and exercising the muscles needed to maintain proper posture and eliminate pain.  

If you only RELIEVE pain and don't RESTORE through stretching and exercises, it will more than likely return as you revert back to old "comfortable" postures.  These imbalances cause pain to return.

Image by Amelia Bartlett


The final step is to keep stress away through mindfulness and meditation. By being fully present and aware of where we are and what we are doing, we can calm the ever racing mind.  When we allow ourselves to become fully present and be in the here and now we can enjoy life much more. In addition having a positive mindset is key to happiness and a pain free life!

What is mediation and mindfulness?

We are now partnering with Amy Peterson.  She is a mindfulness coach with Believe, Breathe, Be LLC   Amy is great at what she does and can help you keep stress related pain away with mindfulness techniques and stress relief strategies.  To learn more about her and to schedule with her please click on the link below.

COVID-19 Precautions

We take your health seriously!
All equipment is wiped down with bleach between treatment sessions, the therapist will wear a mask during treatment sessions, and the therapist uses proper hand washing techniques.  The therapist has also had both Moderna vaccines more than 2 weeks ago. And the booster shot.

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