Do you have chronic back pain? Have you tried everything and are worried you may need surgery or have pain for life?
I highly suggest reading Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill. In his book he lays it all out in layman’s terms and the exercises are very doable!
1st Step- omit the painful positions.
Find out where you have the most pain. Which activities and postures cause pain? It would be helpful to keep a journal or put it on your phone.
Does pain result more from flexion, extension, or compression of the spine?
Now that you know what causes then pain STOP those postures
2nd Step- learn to find your best posture and keep it
Your ideal posture should have some variation of neck extension, middle back flexion, and low back extension. You will know what your best posture is as you will have little to no pain
Now learn to brace yourself in this position. You brace yourself by pretending you are getting punched in the stomach. Contract those abdominal muscles but related to the amount of force needed ( different for lifting something heavy than simply walking) Brace with various movements.
Now keep this posture using bracing with all tasks be it brushing your teeth, picking up items from floor, rolling over in bed, or putting on socks. Move arms and legs to accommodate for tasks not moving back from this comfortable position ( for example put your foot up on a chair and tie your shoe without bending your back)
Lumbar supports are key when sitting, but make sure you move a lot through the day.
3rd Step- exercises with McGills big 3
The Modified Curl Up- lying on your back put your hands under the small of your back, lift up one knee, lift up your elbows, now lift your head and neck just off of the floor with a straight neck and spine and hold for 10 seconds
The Side Bridge or Side Plank - side sitting, put elbow on floor, thrust hips forward into a side plank and hold for 10 seconds
Bird Dog - on hands and knees, activate core, and lift opposite arm and leg with both extended. Hold for 10 seconds. If you can not maintain good posture in this position modify by starting leaning up against the wall or using a sturdy chair or table.
With each exercises complete the following reps
1 rep = 10 second hold
Set 1 : 6 reps, rest 20 seconds
Set 2 : 4 reps, rest 20 seconds
Set 3: 2 reps, finished
You can add 1 rep every few days each set if you tolerate well.
It is VERY important that you keep good form when completing all exercises or you could actually make it worse!
Other exercises recommended by McGill to loosen the spine
1. The cat/camel(cow) pose
2. The tummy pose with hand under chin or stacked fists (but only of it alleviates pain)
Exercises to avoid!
Pulling knees up to chest when on back either one leg at a time or both
Hamstring stretches- bending over to touch toes
Lying on your back and dropping knees to either side
Superman pose
4th Step- start a walking program.
Start with only what you can tolerate and gradually increase. If all you can do is 10 minutes of walking or even 6 steps start with that and then gradually increase. McGill reports that brisk walking is one of the best things you can do for back pain.
Work up to walking 3 times per day short distances.
Be sure and lead with your chest with head up when walking!