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Kimberly Miller

Highlight on Diet

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

In my research I found that there are several foods that cause inflammation resulting in increased pain in your body. So someone who has a lot of pain or arthritis should probably avoid these foods.

  1. Bagels/white bread

  2. Nightshade vegetables: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes

  3. Blackened or Barbecued foods cooked at high temps

  4. Processed foods- fast food

  5. Sugar

On the other hand the following foods help decrease inflammation and would be important to add to your grocery list.

  1. Broccoli

  2. Olive oil

  3. Blueberries

  4. Pineapple

  5. Fish

  6. Nuts

  7. Tart cherries

  8. Kelp

  9. Fermented foods like sour sauerkraut

  10. Papaya

  11. Green tea

I also found that proteolytic enzyme’s are very important to fight against inflammation as they are the enzymes that eat away scar tissue or fibrin which is often a source of pain . Proteolytic enzyme’s can be taken as a supplement. When looking for supplements you can look for the following either one or a combination…

  1. Ginger extract

  2. Boswellia extract

  3. Bromelain

  4. Turmeric

  5. Papain

  6. Devils claw

  7. Rutin

  8. Citrus bioflavonoids

  9. Yucca root

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