According to John F. Barnes (founder of JFB approach to MFR) when myofascial release is completed the therapist must provide a prolonged stretch with gentle pressure to the tissues with skin to skin contact and no barrier in between, like oils. The stretch must be three minutes or longer depending on the fascial restrictions.
What happens after that prolonged stretch in my own words is “magical”. The heat and pressure from the therapist to the patient causes what is called the piezoelectric phenomenon. Patients often report an electric or tingling feeling either in the area where I’m working or another area, sometimes far from the area where I am working. This is because the fascia is connected throughout the entire body and pressure on a restriction in one area can cause another restriction to “light up” if you will.
According to an article written by John F. Barnes “The fascia is a piezoelectric tissue; therefore, a therapist utilizing the gentle, sustained pressure of myofascial release through compression, stretching or twisting of the myofascial system generates a flow of bioenergy (information) throughout the mind-body complex by the piezoelectric phenomenon.
This facilitates the extracellular matrix to transform as it goes through its “gel to sol” reorganization during myofascial release. Fascia behaves as an electrically conductive medium, which allows this viscoelastic tissue to rehydrate under the sustained pressures of the therapist’s hands. This rehydration also allows for an elongation of the myofascial system, relieving pressure on pain-sensitive structures for alleviation of the symptoms of pain, headaches and restoration of motion.”
By completing Myofascial release we are simply returning the matrix surrounding the tissues from a gel state to a fluid state. When it is allowed to return to a fluid state toxins can be removed, oxygen can get to the cells, and the cells can get the nutrients that they need to survive and thrive. If we don’t release the fascia no matter how healthy we eat, how much water we drink, or how well we are breathing the cells will not benefit because they are in a sense cut off by the restrictions created by trauma, injury, or repetitive stress.
If you are experiencing pain or range of motion limitations you really should give myofascial release a try. It will not hurt you and it may just change your life!!