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Kimberly Miller

New Year, New You! Right??

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

The new year often means New Years resolutions. If you’re like me you have great intentions for a happier healthier you. I think about every year I vow to exercise more and eat healthier…basically do everything I tell my clients to do ! However, about by mid month my resolution is out the window and I’m back to my old ways. I found that about 80% of the people who make New Years resolutions fail.

So why is it that we almost always revert back to our old ways. It’s familiar, it’s easier, and we don’t think we have the time or money. We also don’t set reasonable goals or have the right motivation to achieve them. Those are often the reasons we give for not taking care of our pain.

Tight fascia can cause up to 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch! No wonder you are in pain!! One or two sessions with me and not doing your homework will not give you good results. The clients that have the best results and “graduate” from myofascial release treatment generally complete several visits in the first month around 6-8 visits and then do their homework!

Want some motivation?

  1. If you don’t take care for yourself now you may need hospitalizations in the future which are costly, time consuming, and often very painful to recover.

2. If you don’t take care of you then you are no good to anyone you love. Do it for your

loved ones so you can fully be there for them. Walk your daughter down the isle, play

on the floor with your grandkids.

3. Enjoy your retirement instead of being tied to your doctors and hospitals due to

health concerns.

So in this new year I challenge you to not let those resolutions slide. Make an investment in you and your health! You are worth it! You won’t regret it!!

I will be right there taking the challenge along with you!!

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