How many of you have really stopped to think about your posture? Improper posture is probably the single most cause of all pain. When we do not hold our body the way it was intended joints, bones, and muscles are not in alignment which causes unnecessary strain on our bodies. This eventually causes or increases pain. Misalignment is a likely cause for back, neck, knee, shoulder, and hip pain. Current lifestyles like sitting at a desk, standing improperly for long periods of time, sleeping out of alignment, and even the way we exercise can cause issues and pain. The best position for posture in sitting, standing, and lying are the following... Seated posture: 90 degrees at ankles, at knees, and at hips.
1 Keep the curve in low back and neck tucked, 2. Shoulders back and down
3. spine in neutral
Standing posture:
1. Toes and knee caps straight out
2. Shoulders back
3. Arms straight at side with middle finger down middle of leg
Sleeping: 1. Side lying: spine straight from hips to neck. Pillow placed between knees, supportive pillow under head/neck (not too thick and not too thin), arm on sleeping side under pillow and externally rotated. Holding large pillow or body pillow to avoid inward rotation of upper arm 2. Back lying: Pillow the right thickness to avoid too much neck extension or flexion. Keep neck in neutral position. Pillow underneath knees for neutral spine 3. Stomach lying: Small pillow under hips to prevent over Extension of back. Pillow again the right thickness to keep head in a neutral position