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Kimberly Miller

Highlight on Breath

Updated: Nov 19, 2021

Probably none of you have thought about the way you breathe. It is something we all think is just automatic, right? However, many of us are not breathing correctly and it is affecting our health. I recently read a book called breath by James Nestor. I highly suggest it to anyone who has issues breathing or just anyone!

The following are some major issues humans face with breathing today

  1. Many of us breathe too shallow. We are not taking deep breaths or using our diaphragm. This is often due to stress or just poor habits. When the breath is too shallow we are not breathing in enough oxygen to replace the CO2, depriving the cells of the oxygen they need. When we can teach ourselves to breathe more deeply we are able to use the full capacity of our lungs.

  2. We breathe too often. Ideally we should only be taking 5 to 6 breaths per minute. The average today for adults is between 14 and 18 breaths per minute. In order to function properly our bodies need A perfect balance of CO2 and oxygen. When the body senses more CO2 than oxygen it increases respirations. Tacypenea is the increase in respirations without deep breathing. If the breathing becomes too fast and deep that is hyperventilation which results in taking in too much oxygen and changing the ph in the blood as it reduces CO2.

  3. We breathe through our mouths. When you breathe through your mouth the air is not able to be filtered through the cilia in your nose which increases risk for infection. The air is also not warmed and humidified like it is when you breathe through your nose. Warm, moist, air is able to circulate more easily and puts the least amount of strain on your lungs.

Without the appropriate amount of oxygen and co2 in our blood our cells cannot function properly, heal, or, even survive.

Take some time out of your day every day to practice breathing the correct way. Slowly, deeply and through your nose!!

Again if the fascia is restricted no matter how well you are breathing that O2 can not get to the cells that need it. If you have restrictions it is important that you get treated with myofascial release, follow up with self treatments, and breathe correctly!

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