Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, and muscle in place. Fascia is made of two types of fibers collagen and elastin. Collagen is a strong rigid fiber and elastin is able to stretch. Therefore it allows for stability and protection as well as movement.
The fascia also provides proprioceptive input and allows for communication quickly between the cells. As JF Barnes says it is the fiber optic network of our bodies. It connects us together from head to toe. Without fascia we would be a pile of bones and organs and an uncoordinated mess!
So why isn’t everybody talking about fascia and it’s huge role in our health and well-being? First of all it has not been studied thoroughly. Just now there are research studies being completed to justify its purpose. Until recently, the connective tissue was what was cut away or pealed from the cadavers in medical and other health professional schools to look at the “good stuff” like muscles and organs. It was only observed in cadavers and not in living beings. Also, fascial restrictions do not show up on MRIs, XRAYs or CAT scans. Unfortunately, often times people with fascial pain are just told that nothing is wrong or they can’t find a reason for their pain.
When Fascia is subject to trauma, repetitive physical stress, injury, surgery, or even emotional stress it tightens or builds scar tissue to protect us. However, this also restricts the ability for the fluid matrix to flow freely throughout the fascial system. Without the fluid matrix our cells are unable to get the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive and thrive or to release the toxins that are released from the cells.
Myofascial release helps to release the tight fascia and allow the cells to return to normal function. If you have aches and pains you just can’t seem to get rid of ...it could very well be tight fascia. So get treated today! You will be glad you did!